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Hajduk Digital TV

4.6 ( 1216 ratings )
Sport Unterhaltung
Entwickler HNK Hajduk s.d.d.

Hajduk Digital TV je Internet platforma koja omogućuje isporuku, odnosno distribuciju multimedijskog sadržaja krajnjim korisnicima, a koji istom mogu pristupiti putem osobnih računala, smartphone i tablet uređaja, u svakom trenutku, diljem svijeta. Ekskluzivni razgovori s igračima, trenerima i klupskim legendama, prijenosi utakmica, emisije sa eSport tematikom, kao i druge emisije sportskog, zabavnog i edukativnog sadržaja s novim voditeljskim licima, predstavljat će tek dio bogatog i raznovrsnog multimedijskog sadržaja.


Hajduk Digital TV is an Internet platform that enables the delivery or distribution of multimedia content to end-users, who can access it via personal computers, smartphones, and tablets, at any time, around the world. Exclusive conversations with players, coaches and club legends, the broadcast of matches, shows with eSport themes, as well as other shows with sports, entertainment, and educational content with new hosts, will be just part of the rich and diverse multimedia content.